Global (Energy &) Food Crisis. Personal Responsibility in Times of Crisis Europe is facing a challenging winter. With Russia’s war in Ukraine, COVID-19, climate change and soaring food costs, food insecurity looms for many. In our August newsletter, we spoke about facing challenges with grace and fortitude. About developing our self- awareness and personal responsibility, so that collectively we can inspire a better world.
So what can we do, on a personal level, when faced with difficulties such as the food crisis? We can start to make small changes that contribute to a greater good. To find ways to stop depending on others and take personal responsibility – and inspire others to do the same. One suggestion is to start a home garden, to embrace the gifts of the earth and grow our own food.
Producing our own food has many benefits for society, especially in terms of the environment. Of course, we recognise that not everybody has sufficient land, but there are still changes we can make. Perhaps you have space on your balcony to grow some herbs. You could group together with friends, grow different foods and share, or start a community garden or allotment. This encourages deeper connection and contributes to a better future for humanity. And that’s something we embrace here at Euphoria Retreat.
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