

Balancing your Earth Element-Reconnect with nature. Late autumn, for all its beauty, can also feel like a time of endings and withdrawals. The leaves on the trees begin to fall, the days become shorter and colder, sunlight lessens. This year, any sense of decay is also coupled with something bigger. Globally we are in a time of huge transition. Much of what has always been constant and true and safe is no more. The passing of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth’s Queen Elizabeth II was symbolic of the end of an era and also of a powerful archetypal image. None of this is meant to sound apocalyptic. More, a recognition that the world, like the seasons, is changing and there is a lot of uncertainty in the collective consciousness. To adapt and remain fluid is the key to our own survival.

My advice is to think of this time as one when all the chess pieces are thrown into the air and we don’t yet know where they will land. We cannot yet dream or imagine what is to come in the future, we only know that everything that was once familiar to us is being remoulded. Which is why now is the time to reorganise your life, remap your relationships and let go of that which no longer serves you. The air may be colder and sharper, but the more we let go of that which no longer aligns with our values, the more invigorated we can become by breathing in the freshness of the heavens. My greatest hope for this autumn is that each of you can draw on your deepest resources, harness courage, hold onto faith, trust that spring will come, even if it feels a long way
away. Here, at Euphoria, we know that the sun always rises, and we want you to believe that too

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