Earth gives us a sense of safety and when we go out into nature we feel that sense of stability and of being held. It balances us, especially when it is neither too hot nor too cold. So find your safety, an at-one environment where you can reconnect to the rhythm of nature and feel the support of the eternal.
When earth is in excess we can take too much care of others and forget about ourselves and hence become uncentred.
So be sure to make time for yourself, have little breaks whilst you work, eat wholesome nourishing foods, perhaps visit a spa, preferably alone.
True self-care involves directing energy towards yourself, which is much easier when you are alone.
Earth out of balance can lead to a misguided need to surround yourself with lots of things, rooted in a feeling of lack. So, decluttering your home is a wonderful way to self-soothe. It helps to settle the mind so that you come out of worry and procrastination and feel more grounded and held. Tidying and organizing your desk in particular can ground your working life. Once everything is organized its easy to add in touches of beauty: flowers, candles etc
The earth element balanced allows you to devote time to both yourself and to others. To do this creating a daily structure is extremely beneficial, you can literally schedule a date with yourself. Plan a lie in, exercise time, a walk, café and cake! Though one of the best things you can do for your digestive organs, for weight loss and for a sense of balance, is to have set times for both eating and sleeping. This helps to create a sense of stability and boundaries.
When earth energy gets stuck, it creates lethargy and a sense of being stuck in quicksand. Earth types need regular, steady exercise. Nothing
excessive, instead a combination of different modalities. A walk one day, yoga the next, then weight training etc. It’s helpful to schedule it into your daily structure. The feeling of being stuck in the body can also lead the mind feeling stuck too. Finding ways to be creative can really help. So, find ways to open your neural pathways. Paint, write, read a book, go to a museum, infuse your life with playful aspects.
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