There are many things we may find it hard to let go especially old sorrows and beliefs. But clinging to the past and to debris means we are unable to take in fresh air and inspiration. If we look to Mother Earth, we can see that nature relies on the transformation of rubbish into usable fertiliser. It is part of the cycle of life, essential for balance and harmony.
The large intestine, known as ‘the Drainer of the Dregs’, is a vital part of this cycle. Keeping it healthy and clear assists us in developing new life. Eat plenty of fibre. If you can, embark on a digestive cleanse. We can support you here or if you are unable to travel then you can create an at-home regime in keeping with the season. For example, eating only brown rice and vegetables for one day a week, or for three days in a row, can really help nourish and renew the body.
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