Remembering there is a higher path
Even when you are stuck in the duality of life, caught up in ‘this is good, this is bad’, it is wise to remember that there is another way of looking at things. Sometimes just to know and accept that there is a higher view, even if we can’t quite see it ourselves, is good enough and will provide relief for the soul. It is hard to maintain this view, gravity pulls us down, but when we can trust that everything – absolutely everything – has its place, then a lot of stress can fall away, and we can trust that we are on the right path. We know there is a bird’s eye eagle way of seeing, a unity that surpasses opposites and, if we can surrender to not knowing everything, submit to the great mystery, then we can remain humble. One of the great spiritual truism is that the level we operate on is not the level upon which things will be solved. In most of the Greek tragedies what comes in to resolve situation is Deus ex machina – divine intervention, which comes from the place of oneness and which is beyond intellect and beyond anything we can comprehend on the human plane.
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