
Indian Summer & The Earth Element


Indian Summer & The Earth Element

If summer and the fire element are the maximum in yang energy and take things to their peak, then Indian Summer time is when everything calms down, we come back into the balance of earth and harness our inner energy. In nature it is the beginning of harvest time, and, for the earth side of our personalities, it is when we begin to slow down and gather together the lessons, and experiences which we have had. Rather than travelling, we stay still and begin to assimilate, digest and process what which has come to pass. For women, all of whom have a strong earth disposition, it is a wonderful time to gather together, share food and news, and catch up with each other. Earth is about giving and exchanging. It allows us to reap what we have sewn and provides a period of sweetness, balance, nurturing and concentration, all of which are strong qualities in earth personalities. Those with an earth constitution love to take care of others and find the beauty in everyday pleasures.


The earth personality is the great mother who nurtures, gives safety and offers just the right measure of abundance. When this element is balanced in our constitution we are able to trust in life and enjoy a feeling of security and grounding. We know, ‘I am enough, I have enough’. Earth personalities are usually very pleasant, their energy is like a big Mamma hug, but they are also practical, with a strong mind and an organised household. There is balance and a sense of comfort to things. They are capable of offering reassurance in difficult times and, despite being resistant to change because it makes them feel unsafe, they have a way of finding solutions and paving the way forwards. They are content with life and are able to stay calm in all situations because they are satisfied
with how they find things. Generally, they are steady, measured and empathetic towards others.


When out of balance, earth personalities in depletion have a tendency to live in their heads and worry too much. They can get overwhelmed by all the things they have to do, jumping around from work to their families to their friends and beyond and never stopping. This can unground them so that they come out of their bodies, become ‘air headed’, get stuck in a loop or talk to too much. Alternatively, earth types can also get too heavy, not move enough, hold weight around the belly and display weak boundaries by letting everyone into their life to the detriment of themselves. This is when caring can become chaotic, or even controlling. For earth energies, when the ‘ground gives way’, or, as we say in Greece, ‘I lost the earth under my feet’, everything goes into freefall. This can lead to over nagging and complaining rooted in a need for sweetness and a craving for attention.


The earth element is associated with the spleen and stomach, so the organs of assimilation, nourishment and digestion. The stomach helps us to produce energy and processes our food and drink, the spleen carries nourishment from our food to other parts of the body and mind. Strengthening the spleen increases our immunity and mental functioning yet many earth types develop depleted spleens caused by stress, living in the city, being in constant overdrive and getting caught in fight/flight mode. It can be very difficult to balance the earth organs and this can lead to digestive issues and cravings. One simple approach is to cut out unhealthy carbohydrates and artificial sugars and desserts to try to keep these organs as healthy as possible.

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