Summer Fire and Passion
In Traditional Chinese Medicine summer is associated with the heart organ and with the fire element. When we tap into the warmth, infinite energy and light of both our own hearts, and the fire element, life really can begin to change and we can live with more passion. Finding passion is a process of surrender. It means not being anesthetized in numbness, not pretending to be that which we are not, being utterly authentic to the true you. This means we choose to embrace our emotional side, knowing that we are not defined by our feelings, but that they can teach us about our inner landscape. The word passion comes from the Greek word ‘pathos’, with means suffering and experience.
As just one example, Greta Thunberg first heard about climate change when she was just 8 years old and became depressed because she couldn’t understand why nothing was being done about it. She is now globally acknowledged as one of the youngest ever activists. By bringing passion to our life – in our work, our love life, our family life, our spiritual life – we make our lives more interesting, vibrant and optimistic. Passion is about birthing the new and taking things to their apex. As Marina says, ‘for me, passion is about giving something your everything. Your totality is involved.’
The summer months are a time to approach life with curiosity and enthusiasm, for circulating and enjoying life’s abundance, seeing friends, travelling, and enjoying each moment in its absolute fullness. To surrender to the ‘now’ and give your all is to live with an open heart, connect with yourself, with others, with the divine. Living passionately – not just materially or sexually – but with true connection to your heart, will help you to fall in love with the world.
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